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Carbon Uptake and Seasonal Traits in Antarctic Remineralisation Depth (CUSTARD) Principal Investigator: Dr Adrian Martin, National Oceanography Centre The…

Processes Influencing Carbon Cycling: Observations of the Lower limb of the Antarctic Overturning (PICCOLO) Principal Investigator: Prof Karen Heywood, University of East Anglia…

Southern OceaN optimal Approach To Assess the carbon state, variability and climatic drivers (SONATA) Principal Investigator: Prof. Corrine Le Quere, University of East Anglia The overriding…

CELOS Constraining the EvoLution of the southern Ocean-carbon Sink (CELOS)The Southern Ocean (SO) plays a key role for climate and climate change. It is the largest oceanic sink…

SARDINESouthern Ocean carbon indices and metrics (SARDINE)This project will provide a new view of the global impact of the Southern Ocean on carbon and climate metrics, drawing upon the current suite…


  • PICCOLO – reflections and celebrations!
    Karen Heywood (UEA), Tom Bell (PML) and Katrin Schmidt (University of Plymouth) So, now that the dust has settled, and most of the team have arrived back in the UK, it’s time to take stock and see what we achieved…
  • Embracing Uncertainty
    By Elise Droste (AWI) A ship is its own little cosmos. It is isolated, has its own routine, and resources are limited. Then we put a bunch of enthusiastic scientists on board with an ambitious mission, and send them to…
  • What is it about ocean gliders and ice?
    By Karen Heywood (UEA) We must have discovered a new force of nature – the attraction between ocean gliders and ice!  When we are piloting our gliders, we typically rely on satellite imagery to tell us how much ice is…


The Southern Ocean is one of the most important and poorly understood components of the global carbon cycle that profoundly shapes Earth’s climate. It is the primary hot spot for the oceanic sink of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), having captured…